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RANT - Mozilla Chrome

Dear Mozilla,

I thank you very much for your hard work on Firefox, but…

I know you don’t want to hear it, Mozilla, but these constant UI changes are a bit annoying. I wouldn’t be angry about them if changing them wouldn’t then require an add-on which syphons my memory and makes my CPU go mental (sucks to be me and not like the Australis Tabs – I guess 1366x768 is the new 640x480 and I should feel ashamed of not having true HD, huh?). Luckily changing your recent “improvement” back is trivial, but no matter how much you want me to use a grid preview of my last viewed sites, I won’t do that. I don’t want to open up a browser window at work, only for my superior to see my top 10 sites. I want a blank tab and I don’t think it was that hard to just review my old settings in 40 and apply them to whatever the new paradigm for switching your gorgeous New Tab Page (R) is in 41. Or was it really that hard to have the new code just follow the old switch instead of introducing a new one? Luckily, you’ve at least kept the option to change them. At least a bit that isn’t “australicised”. Now go back to working on proper multithreading and making making HTML5 videos suck less even on recent machines…